Quality assurance and quality awareness – you can rely on that.

We maintain an integrated management system according to ISO 9001-2008

– Quality management

– Environmental protection

– Occupational safety

– Occupational health

We maintain an integrated management system according to ISO 9001-2008

– Quality management

– Environmental protection

– Occupational safety

– Occupational health

Quality management out of conviction

From product development to toolmaking, in production and, of course, in the repair shop, quality, efficiency and precision are certified and consistently monitored at Fischer Elektromotoren.

The assurance of quality is binding for all employees. It is an integral part of all workflows, from management to procurement and from order processing and production to communication with our customers.

Even before the series production of new electric motors, our certified quality assurance checks every work step. Random samples from series production and the use of state-of-the-art measurement technology also ensure comprehensive product checking.

In addition, the following principle applies in our company: “Four eyes see more than two.” This credo requires qualified and experienced employees.

Our well-trained employees know that quality is the basis for our business success and the security of all jobs.

Meticulous outgoing goods checks and certified test procedures ensure the highest level of security, regardless of whether they are standard products or repair orders.

We want to be the first port of call for demanding companies when it comes to electric motors. Error-free processes are the basis for first-class products!