Being an experienced manufacturer is one thing. But electric motors from Fischer are characterised down to the smallest detail by constructive advantages that meet the customer’s needs precisely.
Our plus factor: we offer you development, prototyping, production and integration service from a single source! We take care of the entire development service for your electric motor, which is tailored to your needs. Naturally in accordance with your design specifications and the desired performance criteria.
Taking one step further at the beginning
secures the decisive lead in the design.
We are there for our customers - from the idea to commissioning.
Cooperation with Fischer Elektromotoren often starts in the context of complex problems on the customer side. Of course, our clients always know exactly what they want to drive and what movement is necessary for this. However, standard electric motors are generally unsuitable for special tasks. For these requirements, our experienced developers and designers can come up with solutions that perfectly meet customer requirements.
From the idea to the serial product – our great strength.
We put what we develop in-house into practice step by step. In doing so, we benefit from the practicality that has distinguished us to the present day as a “doer” in the industry.
We test, check and optimise up to the start of production in a way that is unprecedented.
We rely on innovative simulation methods, our own prototype construction and 3D printing. Of course, our customers benefit from our mature expertise in all process steps.
Successful products are the result of error-free processes.
Because we already pay attention during the development and design of electric motors to how the motors are manufactured and assembled later, we always keep a close eye on the entire process chain from development to series production and the subsequent final assembly.
Customers are always involved in the happenings at defined stages. In this way, we ensure that quality and cost-effectiveness can be guaranteed at every stage.